Whoohoo! Finally have time to blog about tioman!
I took my Open Water Diving course in Singapore
and went to Tioman for our "graduation dive"!
Hahaha, After 1 theory session & 2 pool session,
Honestly i wasn't really at ease at all, didn't feel that we had enough practise
and i wasn't even confident that i will come back to Singapore ALIVE!
I was like looking and sayang-ing my guinea pigs
like it's the last time i'll be seeing them.
Haahaha, i know i'm damn drama, but when you think of it,
when we dive we're really putting our lives on all the equipments
and the little skills we've learnt throughout the week.
ALOT could have happened during the dive!
maybe i might hit my head on the boat during the backroll etc?
Or my oxygen tank could totally go busted or whatever!
I didn't really sleep during the whole journey to Tioman, Malaysia.
it was a 4 hour bus trip + 1.5 hour ferry,
i only manage to force myself to sleep for around
30mins of shut eye time and that's it.
We arrived @ Paya Beach Resort at 4am and
we had to wake up at 8am for breakfast and for our first dive.
Throughout the whole journey i was wide awake,
staring at the empty endless road.
(Thinking what if i died during the dive!)
it was MAD dark, no street lamps at all
and the driver was driving like a maniac,
overtaking other cars at a crazy speed.
We had a stopover @ Kota Tinggi for supper + beer + toilet break!
Lol, i'm really skeptical about the drinks menu..
How does that sound appealing!!!

Had Apple Susu (Apple drink + condensed milk)

Chocked on my first sip, hahahahs it was really really sweet, even for me!
But the more i drink it the more i love it!

Maggie Goreng, taste like CRAAAAAAAP.
CMI CMI CMI CMI. Took them around 30 mins
to cook some crappy noodle somemore.
I think in singapore, we will be like @#$%^&* if we're asked to
wait for 30mins for our food and it turn out to be crap!
Nadnut bring me to eat the yummy one in singapore next time kay!!!
Another 1.5 hour bus trip to Mersing to take the Ferry to Tioman.
another 1.5 hour of sleepless bus ride.

Had to lug our equipments bag along with our luggage.
Luckily i had some help from CJ, one of our dive mates.
Lol sometimes i wanna kill myself, i'm such a HEAVY packer,
i can't even make myself bring afew things lesser on a 2D2N trip.

The ferry ticket.

Whoohoo woohooooooo~ On our way to breakfast, already late!!!
Oh i did mention i went to learn diving with Nadnut right?
Looking super cute in her pink romper + pink shades!

I was mad nervous then,
when we got on the boat i really really wanna puke already.
seasickness + nervousness. Really, bad combination!
I remember when we're all geared up a whole 18 kgs on us,
like 2 mins before our first dive i kept telling Nadnut
"omg i'm very very scared, how how how.."
and she kept comforting me.
Hahahas, hope she wasn't too annoyed by me! :x
Hahahahaha, my divemaster had to give me a little push
cos i was honestly too afraid to backroll into the waters on my own.

Ruth & Flo, who was in our dive group too!
Everything went well except for the mask removal underwater,
i HATE mask removal!!! Got chocked by the saltwater,
my nose burns from "drinking" the saltwater,
and my eyes stung like mad.

I'm naming this photo..

And we went off to get lunch,
honestly my tummy wasn't settled from the seasickness
and i couldnt make myself eat, plus the food there is crappy as well. Boo.
Hahaha, that stupid sign near to our rooms,
crazy, all the directions are.. in the opposite directions. -.-

And during my 2nd dive, i had problems equalizing
and i had the WORST earache ever, ever ever ever!
I didnt know it could hurt like that, nearly scared me to death.
like 10000000000x worst that the seasickeness.
But luckily for my divemaster, after that little episode,
everything went perfectly well & it was SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!
Visited a car wreak and all, we took some photos underwater,
but i haven't got it from my instructor yet,
so i'll update that for y'all as soon as i get it! (:
Missed my 3rd dive cos i was feeling SO DIZZY!
So i went back to our room, showered
& tried to read some sidney sheldon book,
but my head was still spinning so i went to sleep.
Think it's the stupid natural remedy ginger pills for seasickness from CJ
LOL , oh well i guess NATURAL SUCKS!
Went to their mama shop they and bought some seasick pills
that is loaded with CHEMICALS and it worked perfectly FINE~
Went for dinneeeeeeeeeer.
Crappy food as usual, but good company!

Nadnut was too busy feeding the kitties
our uneaten crappy food throughout dinner,
soon there were like 5-6 kitties crowding around our table.

Nadnut made this kittie SAAAAAAAAAAAD.
Hahahaha, it tried to snatch the chicken on the floor
with another kittie and nadnut scolded it.
Poor kittie is looking at the chicken with such looooonging eyes.

Lol, our too skinny divemate CJ,
ORBI QUEK! kena locked out of his room, never even bring out a tee,
so the whole day he's been walking around in his trunks.
hahahah but he seems happy to be prancing around half naked.

Beautiful sunset while having dinner

Super laid back place.
Had 2 more dives in the morning, it was MAD FUN!!!!
I was nervous to go into the water at first,
but at the end of the trip i was nervous
when i'm getting out of the water because
that's when i get injured most of the time!
Clumsy me returned to singapore with at least 6 bruises on my legs,
got all of them when i'm getting OUT of the water. -.-
Boyf was like omg i don't want you to go diving anymore..
so so so dangerous and come back with so many bruises.
hahaha made him massage my blue-blacks for me!
I would like to see him try and stop me from going!
Hahaha, i'm anticipating for my next dive trip already.
Anybody already a open water diver here?
Drop me a tag/mail, lets go diving together! (:

Nadnut calls him kampong boy!
Ahhhh, this trip is tooooo short!
We'll be back soon, or maybe diving
and exploring the rest of the WORLD! (:
My goal is to swim alongside with turtles, dolphins & sharks one day!

Lol, it's funny i didnt even get THAT tanned after diving,
it was on the last day we were waiting for our ferry
and it was late for 1.5hours!
And some idiotic dive company took our seats,
we had to wait for the next ferry, @#$%^&
So after standing under the scorching sun
for around 2 hours of cos become so tanned! Boo! ):
But i miss walking around in a bikini. hahahaha

Bye beautiful tioman and goodbye fidelis who was so afraid!
WOOHOO! We're officially DIVERS! :3
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